Heir of Fire (TOG #3) Mini Review

 Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


Young Adult Fantasy

While Heir of Fire is not a Christmas novel, there was something about the book that put me in the Christmas spirit when I read it in early December! I’m posting my review of Heir of Fire before I post my reviews of Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight, which should immediately tell you how much I enjoyed this book. Heir of Fire is the third book in the Throne of Glass series, and I think I finally understand some of the hype for the series! 

I FINALLY got what I was looking for in the Throne of Glass series after reading many reviews calling the books seriously addicting. Not only did all the characters feel fleshed out and real, but Maas also improved the pacing compared to the first two books. This was the first book of the series that I truly enjoyed reading, which I think is in part because Heir of Fire expanded the magic world and gave me a better of idea of what is about to come. Furthermore, I loved the tension between characters and everything at stake plotwise.

Rating: 4/5 For anyone worried about the series not living up to the hype, I would say to get to Heir of Fire before DNFing. The first time I started the series, I stopped after Crown of Midnight because I didn't feel any attachment to the characters and didn't know where the plot war going. I felt genuinely invested in Heir of Fire and had a lot of fun reading it!


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